Disciplines 101 Seminar #2
“Geomorphology of Sandy Coastlines”
Laura Moore (UNC – Chapel Hill) and Brad Murray (Duke University)
This second session described 1) how sandy shorelines and barriers are created, maintained, and moved by wave and storm processes and rising sea level, and 2) how human actions interact with the processes that reshape and potentially maintain barrier environments.
Suggested Reading
- Johnson, J.M, L.J. Moore, K. Ells, A.B. Murray, P.N. Adams, R.A. MacKenzie III, and J.M. Jaeger. (2015) Recent Shifts in Coastline Change and Shoreline Stabilization Linked to Storm Climate Change, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI: 10.1002/esp.3650
- Lazarus, E., Ashton, A., and Murray, A.B. (2011) Cumulative versus transient shoreline change: Dependencies on temporal and spatial scale, J. Geophysical Research, 116, F022014, doi:10.1029/2010JF001835.
- Hapke, C.J., Kratzmann, M. G., & Himmelstoss, E. A. (2013). Geomorphic and human influence on large-scale coastal change. Geomorphology, 199,100-170. https:/ /doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.11.025.
- Murray, A. B., and Moore, L. J. (2018) Geometric constraints on long-term barrier migration: from simple to surprising. In: Moore LJ, Murray AB (eds) Barrier dynamics and response to changing climate. Springer, New York.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68086-6_7.
- Moore L. J., Goldstein E. B., Vinent O. D., Walters D., Kirwan M., Lauzon R., Murray A. B., Ruggiero P. (2018) The role of ecomorphodynamic feedbacks and landscape couplings in influencing the response of barriers to changing climate. In: Moore LJ, Murray AB (eds) Barrier dynamics and response to changing climate. Springer, New York. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68086-6_10.
- Rogers, L.J., Moore, L.J., Goldstein, E.B., Hein, C.J., Lorenzo-Trueba, J., and Ashton, A.D. (2015) Anthropogenic controls on overwash deposition: Evidence and consequenses, J. Geophysical Research—Earth Surface 120(12), https://doi.org/10.1002/2015JF003634.
- Sallenger Jr., A. H. (2000). Storm Impact Scale for Barrier Islands. Journal of Coastal Research, 16(3), 890-895.
- Slott, J.M., Smith, M.D., and Murray, A.B. (2008) Synergies Between Adjacent Beach-Nourishing Communities in a Morpho-economic Coupled Coastline Model, Journal of Coastal Management, 36,374 – 391.